Dear Parents/Guardian;
Before proceeding with the Pre-Enrollment, kindly read the terms and conditions of the Enrollment Agreement, Parent Undertaking, applicable Enrollment Waiver, and other requirements before enrolling your child/ward. Submit completely filled out copies of applicable documents (1 copy each) on or before the start of classes. The link to the files are shown below.
For New Students;
The student must be a holder of a valid Admission Notice.
For Old Students;
The student must be a holder of a grade-level promotion credential.
Enrollment Agreement, Waiver, and Parent/Guardian Undertaking;
1. For Pre-School
Open, Download, and Print Enrollment Forms for Nursery 1, Nurser 2 and Kinder
2. For Grade School School Students;
Open, Download, and Print Enrollment Forms for Grade 1 to Grade 6
3. For Junior High School Students;
Open, Download, and Print Enrollment Forms for Grade 7 to Grade 10
4. For Senior High School Students.
Open, Download, and Print Enrollment Forms for Grade 11 to Grade 12