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Let's Hear From Our Stakeholders!

      " We are so grateful and deeply appreciative of the quality of learning that Westfield has given to its students during this time of distance online learning. It was a good decision to enroll my daughter, as a matter of fact, we are planning to enroll my youngest daughter who will turn 5. The LearningBoard is effective and organized."
                                                                                                                        Ms. L. Santos, G1 Parent                                                                      
      " Westfield has given more of what we were expecting in the distance online learning system. Everything that my daughter, who is a Kinder Level, needs was provided by The LearningBoard. It was really so easy to use that my daughter can navigate it without my full assistance. Thank you and keep up the good work Westfield Team! "
                                                                                                                        Mr. Marinas, Kinder Parent                                                                      
      " The LearningBoard is easy to access and understand. It's quite comfortable to students to view things, Thank you for the efforts WSOS! "
                                                                                                                        Ms. C. Espinosa, G1 & G6 Parent                                                                      
      " Westfield online learning was well planned and layed out. The work load was just enough for my daughter to follow and understand which is very important. All through out the journey, my daughter never felt less challenged and teachers were able to address  their emotions, questions and still provided excellent quality education. Thank you Westfield for the smooth transition! "
                                                                                                                        Ms. Yanguas, Kinder Parent                                                                      
     " The learning materials are visually appealing which make my children interested to watch, listen and particiapte in class. The school's tool for quizzes, examinations and submission of seatworks and homeworks is also a breeze. The load of classroom work/activity is also reasonable for my children's year level. "
                                                                                                                       Ms. R. Zaide, Nursery 2 & Kinder Parent                                                                      
    “ I must say that our school has come quite prepared for this transition. Acquiring a fast and stable internet for the teachers, learning the necessary apps or programs to better equip themselves in providing virtual learning materials and updating the website with the Learning Board. “ 
                                                                                                                       Mrs. Gaerlan, JHS Parent

          " Our son is a grade 10 pupil of WSOS.  We are happy to inform you that he has adjusted very well to on-line learning because of the ease of using the learning platforms provided by the school.  The Zoom account of the school gives the teachers ample time to discuss their respective lessons and to conduct class interaction without interruption. 


           The Google classroom helps the students and their parents monitor their tasks and other asynchronous activities.  And the FlexiQuiz, the platform for quizzes, revision tests, quarterly tests, is also effective.  The school's decision in using these learning platforms for on-line learning helped their students, including my son,  transition smoothly from face-to-face instruction to on-line learning.  


            Thank you for the efforts you exert to provide the best quality of education to our children.  God bless you even more. "

                                                                                                                                              Mrs. T. M. Ruiz , JHS Parent 

       “ The Learning Board is good with simple set up. It is quick to respond and easy to use – easy to access lessons and assessments. Zoom class is so helpful – it's as close as being face to face and as close as being in the same room as possible; though sometimes it lags but overall, the ability to engage and collaborate with students are great. Thank you and best regards. “
                                                                                                                      Ms. J. Manikan, JHS Parent
      " The LearningBoard is easy to access and even though classes are online, the students still learned a lot. Students are still able to participate and they are happy. "
                                                                                                                      Ms. R. Manzano, G2 Parent                                                                      
      " The LearningBoard is indeed very accessible., very user friendly and has a smooth user interface. It is very manageable not only to parents but also to students. It is so user friendly that students don't need their parents to assist them navigate it. As for the entire online schooling, it has been handled very well. I can see the program works well for both students and teachers. "
                                                                                                                        Mr. M. De Castro, G4 Parent                                                                      
      " Westfield's distance learning platform has been great. They did their best to give their students a good  quality of teaching. Great job to WSOS and to all the teachers as well. "
                                                                                                                        Ms. Moncupa, G5 & Kinder Parent                                                                      
      " The LearningBoard is okay  and easy to navigate. My Grade 4 and Kinder kids know how to go to their Zoom classes using The LearningBoard. They have apps installed on their phones to check for homeworks and seatworks posted there. "
                                                                                                             Mr. D. Astom, G4 & Kinder Parent                                                                      
      " I find The LearningBoard very user friendly. My son can easily navigate the site by himself. "
                                                                                                                        Ms. C. Aposta, G2 Parent                                                                      

          “The WSOS Learning Board is easy to find in the school's homepage.  The links to access The Learning Board for each grade level are color coded so it's quicker to find what I'm looking for.”

                                                                                                                                                  Ms. J.  Santos, G12 ABM Parent        

          “We would like to express our appreciation on the learning system of Westfield amidst the pandemic. We are well informed and advised of the school’s activities as well as our children’s activities. The adjustment on the system was unexpected but we stay positive always.”


                                                                                                                                                  Mr. and Mrs. A.  J.  M. Lim, G8 Parents


                “It has been already almost a year now since the school has shifted to online learning using Zoom Meetings to continue providing knowledge to its students. Zoom has been an effective online learning platform for the students because it allows both the students and the teachers to interact with one another in real-time. It also has features that help the students in understanding the lessons more such as the 'share-screen' and 'annotate feature' of the Zoom. These two features are utilized by the teachers to further explain their lessons and to show the students some educational videos and illustrations that can support their learning.”

                                                                                                                                                  Dr. R. Aquiatan, G12 STEM Parent


              “ The Learning Board used by WSOS, is a great instrument to use in the teaching–learning process. The significance of this platform is to bridge the gap of every opportunity as we gather information in education especially when my son is finding his assessments and relevant information needed by the parents.  For the on-line platform that the school is using, the Zoom application is also good for the lessons and topics which are continuously discussed since it has no limited time unlike the free account. Lastly, WSOS tailored well in the new normal way of delivering virtual education among learners. Creation of The Learning Board, the usage of Google Classroom, and Zoom are commendable.


                 Overall, Westfield Science Oriented School did a great job in adapting in the new normal of education which aims to provide learners with quality basic education. “

                                                                                                                                                 Mrs. D. D. Dancal,  G8 Parent



                  “ With the pandemic, learning has dramatically changed over the past few months for both the teachers and students. Teachers in Westfield were able to efficiently adjust to the new online learning system. With the help of The Learning Board, Google Classroom and Zoom, the overall communication between teachers and students was established. The first few months of transition have been rough but with enough commitment from both sides, issues were resolved.”

                                                                                                                                                 Mrs. K. Liwanag, G12 STEM Parent


             “ I would like to commend the Westfield Science Oriented School and Colleges Academic Team for doing an excellent job in providing quality education in the new normal. Despite the challenges brought about by the pandemic, Westfield has successfully implemented teaching techniques and strategies and seamlessly combined them with the latest in connectivity platforms. So far, we as parents are very satisfied with how the school's online platform, The Learning Board and professors has adopted to the demands and requirements of our students learning needs. I look forward to seeing Westfield thrive in the new normal providing continuous quality education for their students.”

                                                                                                                                                 Mr. D. Wong , G12 STEM Parent



                  “ The Westfield Online Portal for me has been very helpful to us since we don’t need to call during the day for any inquiries, we can access the portal even after office hours.  Announcements are up to date and guidelines can easily be accessed, especially during the start of the school year.

                   The Learning Board for my daughter is easily accessible.  Likewise, the guidelines and instructions were comprehensible. In their Zoom classes, I can hear the teachers clear and I see them pay attention to each student in their class even in a virtual platform.  .Even in their Math subjects, I see their teachers explain in the white board for the students to better understand the lesson and not just give the exercises.

               For me, the online class of Westfield is effective because teachers and students interact actively. It is a big adjustment to students and even us parents, but with the present situation, I would still prefer this platform for their safety. ”

                                                                                                                                                   Ms. L.  M. Correa , G8 Parent

                 “ The Learning Board is very useful as my kids' knowledge continue to grow while becoming more independent and updated on recent technology apps that would help them on their future endeavors.


                 I'm grateful for the efforts of the  WSOS Team and best wishes to them in developing more strategies on how to help their students not just academically but also physically, emotionally and socially during this pandemic days. God bless and stay safe.”


                                                                                                                                                    Mrs.T.  Balilla, G8 & G11 Parent

                    “ As parents, we value the safety of our children and these are what we can say about the new learning tools employed by the school in order to facilitate their education amidst this pandemic. The School’s Learning Board - is an effective tool that according to our children made their studies easier. It is apparently designed so that our children are guided accordingly in each of their daily lessons. Their attendance is monitored every time they are logged in. It’s definitely like being in school except that our children are seated in one corner of our homes wearing their uniform.


                      The only challenge for the Zoom Classes is when the internet encounters down time or when the school server also needs troubleshooting for the children to get connected to their online classes. Other than minor issues reported by our children, they seem to enjoy their online classes with their teachers also being efficient in delivering their lessons everyday. “



                                                                                                                                                   Mrs. J. N. Fajarillo,, G12 STEM Parent

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